data science projects

panama papers
We utilize a dataset from ICIJ, which includes millions of leaked documents exposing personal financial information through offshore entities. Using XGBoost, we predict which entities are likely to be engaged in illegal activities. Our model intends to assist governments and NGOs in pinpointing entities most likely be involved in suspicious activities.

sussy stock trades
Are representatives from the state of Michigan better traders? Here, we conduct hypothesis testing on 14,000+ stock trade transactions to assess the trading skills of representatives. We also perform permutation testing to address data gaps and apply effective imputation techniques to handle incomplete data.

Clothing Fit Recommender System
This project aims to develop and compare various machine learning approaches for predicting clothing ratings and fit. Leveraging interaction data and user/product features, this project delves into models such as linear regression, logistic regression, Jaccardian similarity, and TF-IDF.